Zhu Lab. Homepage
Institute for Fiber Engineering and Science (IFES)/
Faculty of Textile Science and Technology
Shinshu University
Room 8, Bldg. D, 3-15-1 Tokida, Ueda, Nagano, 386-8567, Japan
Tel: +81-268-21-5373
E-mail: zhu[at]shinshu-u.ac.jp [at] refers to @
Original Articles
74. Yuelin Yu, Yongtao Yu, Hongyi Wu, Jian Shi, Hideaki Morikawa, Chunhong Zhu*. A Trimode Self-Cleaning Composite Membrane
with an Eco-friendly Substrate for Energy-Saving Wastewater Recycling, Advanced Fiber Materials, accepted, 2024 Link
73. Dandan Xie, Xiaochuan Yang, Hang Wang, Qiuxia Fu, Fayun Wei, Nuo Liu, Hailou Wang, Guangyu Zhang, Jiamu Dai, Chunhong
Zhu*, Wei Zhang*. Non-destructive strategy to extract sustainable helix and high-strength Musa core fibers for rapid water
conduction and evaporation, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 270, 132276, 2024 Link
72. Muhammad Asim Iqbal, Sabeen Gohar, Chunhong Zhu, Gopiraman Mayakrishnan, Ick Soo Kim. Eggshell membrane as a novel
and green platform for the preparation of highly efficient and reversible curcumin-based colorimetric sensor for the monitoring of
chicken freshness. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 266, 131089, 2024 Link
71. Yongtao Yu, Hongyi Wu, Yuelin Yu, Jiawei Yan, Jian Shi, Hideaki Morikawa, Wenyan Lyu, Chunhong Zhu*, Acid- and alkali-
resistant, UV-shielding, and photocatalytic self-cleaning nanofiber membrane-based wearable triboelectric nanogenerator for ultra-
low-frequency energy-harvesting and self-powered sensors, Chemical Engineering Journal, 490, 151546, 2024 Link
70. Hongyi Wu, Yongtao Yu, Yuelin Yu, Jian Shi, Hideaki Morikawa, Chunhong Zhu*, A facile method for continuous production of
temperature-adaptive hyperthermal management core-sheath polyurethane nanofiber yarns based on vanadium dioxide toward
commercialization, Journal of Energy Storage, 86, 111311, 2024 Link
69. Jiajia Wu, Chunhong Zhu, Hideaki Morikawa, Xinxin Zhang, Xia Yin, Jianyong Yu, Shichao Zhang, and Bin Ding, A Breathable
Fibrous Membrane with Coaxially Heterogeneous Conductive Networks toward Personal Thermal, Small, 2311827, 2024 Link
68. Yong Jun Choi, Edric John Cruz Nacpil, Jiye Han, Ick Soo Kim,* Il Jeon,* Chunhong Zhu, Recent Advances in Dispersant
Technology for Carbon Nanotubes toward Energy Device Applications, Advanced Energy & Sustainability Research, 2300219, 2024
67. Jiawei Yan, Vijay Kumar, Tianshuo Gao, Icksoo Kim, Hideaki Morikawa, Chunhong Zhu*, The wicking performance of interlaced
silk yarn focusing on yarn parameters, Fibers and Polymers, 25, 703-711, 2024 Link
66. Yongtao Yu, Yuelin Yu, Hongyi Wu, Tianshuo Gao, Yi Zhang, Jiajia Wu, Jiawei Yan, Jian Shi, Hideaki Morikawa, Chunhong
Zhu*,Solvent-resistant wearable triboelectric nanogenerator for energy-harvesting and self-powered sensors, Energy &
Environmental Materials, 2023 Link
65. Yuelin Yu, Hongyi Wu, Yongtao Yu, Jian Shi, Hideaki Morikawa, Chunhong Zhu*, Energy saving dual-mode recycling of
wastewater by MWCNTs-COOK/PDA/PVA assisted composite membrane, Chemical Engineering Journal, 475, 146202, 2023
64. Osamu Ohsawa, Gopiraman Mayakrishnan, Yan Ge, Chunhong Zhu, Kei Watanabe and Ick Soo Kim, Water-based eco-friendly
fabrication of physicochemically crosslinked and highly wettable PU-rich electrospun PU/PEO nanofiber composites with
exceptional chemical and thermal stability, Green Chemistry, 25(5), 7556-7570, 2023 Link
63. Feifei Wang, Yi Zhang, Jian Shi, Lei Sun, Azeem Ullah, Chunhong Zhu, and Ick Soo Kim, Bioinspired and Biodegradable
Functionalized Graphene Oxide/Deacetylated Cellulose Acetate Composite Janus Membranes for Water Evaporation-Induced
Electricity Generation, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 11, 9792-9803, 2023 Link
62. Sana Ullah, Osamu Ohsawa, Tehmeena Ishaq, Motahira Hashmi, Muhammad Nauman Sarwar, Chunhong Zhu, Yan Ge, Yeonju
Jang and Ick Soo Kim, Fabrication of Novel Hemp Charcoal Nanofiber Membrane for Effectual Adsorption of Heavy Metal Ions
from Wastewater, Sustainability, 15, 9365, 2023 Link
61. Yi Zhang, Feifei Wang, Yongtao Yu, Jiajia Wu, Yingying Cai, Jian Shi, Hideaki Morikawa, Chunhong Zhu*, Multi-bioinspired
hierarchical integrated hydrogel for passive fog harvesting and solar-driven seawater desalination, Chemical Engineering Journal,
accepted, doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2023.143330, 2023 Link
60. Jiajia Wu, Mingxu Wang, Li Dong, Yi Zhang, Jian Shi, Masatoshi Ohyama, Yasuhiro Kohsaka, Chunhong Zhu*, Hideaki
Morikawa, Highly integrated, breathable, metalized phase change fibrous membranes based on hierarchical coaxial fiber structure for multimodal personal thermal management, Chemical Engineering Journal, 465, 142835, 2023 Link
59. Lei Sun, Yingying Cai, Dongwook Kim, Soyeon Kim, Chunhong Zhu, Feifei Wang, Azeem Ullah, Pok Yin Wongb, Gopiraman
Mayakrishnan, Changhee Lee, Ick Soo Kim, Enhanced properties of solid polymer electrolytes by a bilayer nonwoven
PET/nanofiber PVDF substrate for use in all-solid-state lithium metal batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 564: 232851, 2023 Link
58. Lei Sun, Daisuki Miyagi, Yingying Cai, Azeem Ullah, Md. Kaiser Haider, Chunhong Zhu, Mayakrishnan Gopiraman, Ick Soo
Kim, Rational construction of hierarchical nanocomposites by growing dense polyaniline nanoarrays on carbon black-functionalized
carbon nanofiber backbone for freestanding supercapacitor electrodes. Journal of Energy Storage, 61: 106738, 2023 Link
57. Li Dong, Mingxu Wang, Jiajia Wu, Chenyang Zhang, Jian Shi, Keimei Oh, Lirong Yao, Chunhong Zhu*, Hideaki Morikawa, Fully
biofriendly, biodegradable and recyclable hydrogels based on covalent-like hydrogen bond engineering towards multimodal transient
electronics, Chemical Engineering Journal, 457, 141276, 2023 Link
56. Mingxu Wang, Ziwei Chen, Li Dong, Jiajia Wu, Chao Li, Qiang Gao, Jian Shi, Chunhong Zhu*, Hideaki Morikawa, Conductance-
stable and integrated helical fiber electrodes toward stretchy energy storage and self-powered sensing utilization, Chemical
Engineering Journal, 457, 141164, 2022 Link
55. Yuelin Yu, Weili Wu, Weilai Chen, Yiqin Shao, Chunhong Zhu, Xuefeng Gu, Shengchao Hu, 3D geometric modeling of three-
thread fleece fabric based on micro-CT, Textile Research Journal, DOI: 10.1177/00405175221135206, 2022 Link
54. Qiang Gao, Chao Li, Mingxu Wang, Jiadeng Zhu, Dheeman Roy Munna, Peng Wang, Chunhong Zhu, Jiefeng Gao and Chunxia
Gao, A highly adhesive, self-healing and perdurable PEDOT:PSS/PAA–Fe3+ gel enabled by multiple non-covalent interactions for
multi-functional wearable electronics, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 10, 6271-6280, 2022 Link
53. Tingting Wu, Zhaoxing Lin, Yi Zhang, Nobuhiro Kanazawa, Takao Komiyama, Chunhong Zhu, Eiji Kikuchi, Jian Shi, Ruilu
Liang: Poly-N-phenylglycine@multi-walled carbon nanotubes composite membrane for improvement of Au(III) adsorption.
Separation and Purification Technology, Vol.304, 122404, doi: 10.1016/j.seppur.2022.122404, 2023 Link
52. Azeem Ullah, Muhammad Nauman Sarwar, Fei-fei Wang, Davood Kharaghani, Lei Sun, Chunhong Zhu, Yuji Yoshiko, Gopiraman
Mayakrishnan, Jung Soon Lee, Ick Soo Kim. In vitro biocompatibility, antibacterial activity, and release behavior of halloysite
nanotubes loaded with diclofenac sodium salt incorporated in electrospun soy protein isolate/hydroxyethyl cellulose nanofibers.
Current Research in Biotechnology, 4, 445-458, 2022 Link
51. Yi Zhang, Chunhong Zhu,* Jian Shi,* Shigeru Yamanaka, and Hideaki Morikawa. Bioinspired Composite Materials used for
Efficient Fog Harvesting with Structures that Consist of Fungi-Mycelia Networks. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,
https://doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.2c01816, 2022 Link
50. Mingxu Wang, Jiajia Wu, Li Dong, Jian Shi, Qiang Gao, Chunhong Zhu*, and Hideaki Morikawa. A highly aligned microgrid
structure for wearable nanofibrous sensors with an enhanced sensitivity and detection range. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 10,
12323, 2022 Link
49. Jiajia Wu, Mingxu Wang, Li Dong, Jian Shi, Masatoshi Ohyama, Yasuhiro Kohsaka, Chunhong Zhu*, and Hideaki Morikawa.
A Trimode Thermoregulatory Flexible Fibrous Membrane Designed with Hierarchical Core−Sheath Fiber Structure for Wearable
Personal Thermal Management. ACS Nano, doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.2c04971, 2022 Link
48. Yi Zhang, Yingying Cai, Jian Shi, Hideaki Morikawa, Chunhong Zhu*. Multi-bioinspired hierarchical Janus membrane for fog
harvesting and solar-driven seawater desalination. Desalination, 540, 115975, 2022 Link
47. Li Dong, Mingxu Wang, Jiajia Wu, Chunhong Zhu*, Jian Shi, Hideaki Morikawa. Deformable Textile‑Structured Triboelectric
Nanogenerator Knitted with Multifunctional Sensing Fibers for Biomechanical Energy Harvesting. Advanced Fiber Materials,
doi.org/10.1007/s42765-022-00181-4, 2022 Link
46. Jundan Feng, Lingling Feng, Sijun Xu, Chunhong Zhu, Gangwei Pan and Lirong Yao. Universal Preparation Strategy for
Ultradurable Antibacterial Fabrics through Coating an Adhesive Nanosilver Glue. Nanomaterials, Vol.12, 2429, 2022 Link
45. Jiajia Wu, Mingxu Wang, Li Dong, Chunhong Zhu*, Jian Shi, Hideaki Morikawa. Ultraflexible, Breathable, and Form-Stable
Phase-Change Fibrous Membranes by Green Electrospinning for Personal Thermal Management. ACS Sustainable Chemistry &
Engineering, 10, 7873-7882, 2022 Link
44. Mingxu Wang, Li Dong, Jiajia Wu, Jianshi, Qiang Gao, Chunhong Zhu*, Hideaki Morikawa. Leaf-meridian bio-inspired
nanofibrous electronics with uniform distributed microgrid and 3D multi-level structure for wearable applications. npj Flexible
Electronics, Vol. 6, 34, 2022 Link
43. Jiawei Yan, Chunhong Zhu, Jian Shi, Hideaki Morikawa. Effect of silk yarn parameters on the liquid transport considering yarn
interlacing. Textile Research Journal, Vol. 92, pp.3808-3815, 2022 Link
42. Tingting Wu, Zhaoxing Lin, Hongyi Wu, Mingxu Wang, Chunhong Zhu, Nobuhiro Kanazawa, Jian Shi, Ruilu Liang. Adsorption
Studies on Ag(I) Using Poly(N‑phenylglycine) Membrane and Application in Practical Silver Recycling. ACS Applied Polymer
Materials, Vol. 4, pp. 3333-3342, 2022 Link
41. Zhaoxing Lin, Tingting Wu, Benxu Jia, Jian Shi*, Bo Zhou*, Chunhong Zhu, Yiyu Wang, Ruilu Liang, Mamoru Mizuno*. Nature-
inspired poly(N-phenylglycine)/wood solar evaporation system for high-efficiency desalination and water purification. Colloids
and surfaces A-physicochemical and engineering aspects, Vol. 637, 128272, 2022 Link
40. Lei Sun, Yingying Cai, Md. Kaiser Haider, Daisuke Miyagi, Chunhong Zhu, Ick Soo Kim. Structural design and optimization of
metal-organic framework-derived FeOx@C/rGO anode materials for constructing high-performance hybrid supercapacitors.
Composites Part B, Vol. 236, 109812, 2022 Link
39. Jian Shi*, Mamoru Mizuno, Limin Bao and Chunhong Zhu*. A Facile Molding Method of Continuous Fiber-Reinforced
Thermoplastic Composites and its Mechanical Property. Polymers, Vol. 14, 947, 2022 Link
38. Tingting Wu, Zhaoxing Lin, Hongyi Wu, Chunhong Zhu, Takao Komiyama, Jian Shi, Ruilu Liang. Selective and sensitive
adsorption of Au(III) by poly-N-phenylglycine. Separation and Purification Technology, Vol. 287, 120604, 2022 Link
37. Li Dong, Mingxu Wang, Jiajia Wu, Chunhong Zhu*, Jian Shi, and Hideaki Morikawa. Stretchable, Adhesive, Self-Healable, and
Conductive Hydrogel-Based Deformable Triboelectric Nanogenerator for EnergyHarvesting and Human Motion Sensing.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol.14, pp. 9126-9137, 2022 Link
36. Zhaoxing Lin, Tingting Wu, Yan-Fang Feng, Jian Shi, Bo Zhou, Chunhong Zhu, Yiyu Wang, Ruilu Liang, and Mamoru Mizuno.
Poly(N‑phenylglycine)/MoS2 Nanohybrid with Synergistic Solar-Thermal Conversion for Efficient Water Purification and
Thermoelectric Power Generation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol.14, pp. 1034-1044, 2022 Link
35. Chunhong Zhu*, Tokio Mori, Tatsuhiro Miyamoto, Sae Osaki, Jian Shi, Hideaki Morikawa: Compression Property of
Three‑dimensional Honeycomb‑structured Fabric Composites. Applied Composite Materials, Vol. 29, pp. 373-385, 2022 Link
34. Danyang Feng, Peng Wang, Mingxu Wang, Chunhong Zhu, Qiang Gao, and Ming Shen. A Facile Route Toward Continuous
Wet-spinning of PEDOT: PSS Fibers with Enhanced Strength and Electroconductivity. Fibers and Polymers, Vol. 22, 1491-1495,
2021 Link
33. Yiyu Wang, Chunqing Niu, Jian Shi, Wenlong Yu, Chunhong Zhu, Qin Zhang, and Mamoru Mizuno. A Carbodiimide Cross-Linked
Silk Fibroin/Sodium Alginate Composite Hydrogel with Tunable Properties for Sustained Drug Delivery. Macromolecular
Materials and Engineering, Vol. 306, 2100470, 2021 Link
32. Chunhong Zhu*, Ayuna Mochizuki, Jian Shi, Minori Ishimori, Shouhei Koyama, Hiroaki Ishizawa, Jun Yan, Hideaki
Morikawa: Photocatalytic self-cleaning coatings to remove oleic acid, an organic pollutant, from cotton fabrics. Cellulose,
doi: 10.1007/s10570-021-04004-4, 2021 Link
31. Pok Yin Wong#, Chunhong Zhu#, Qianyu Wang, Jian Shi, Kenji Hyodo and Ick Soo Kim: A facile method for the preparation of a
high-performance, hybrid separator for use in lithium-ion batteries. Textile Research Journal, Doi: 10.1177/00405175211006675,
2021 Link
30. Zhaoxing Lin, Tingting Wu, Jian Shi, Bo Zhou, Chunhong Zhu, Yiyu Wang, Ruilu Liang, and Mamoru Mizuno:
Poly(N‑phenylglycine)-Based Bioinspired System for Stably and Efficiently Enhancing Solar Evaporation. ACS Sustainable
Chemistry & Engineering, Vol. 9, pp. 448-457, 2021 Link
29. Jian Shi, Yuji Yamamoto, Mamoru Mizuno and Chunhong Zhu: Interfacial performance enhancement of carbon fiber/epoxy
composites by a two-step surface treatment. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. 35, pp. 91-97, 2021 Link
28. Myoung Ok Kim, Muhammad Qamar Khan, Azeem Ullah, Duy-Nam Phan, Chunhong Zhu, Jung-Soon Lee and Ick Soo
Kim: Fabrication and characterization of colorimetric polymer based novel nanofibers for sensing and blocking of bacterial.
Materials Research Express, Vol. 7, pp. 085405, 2020 Link
27. Li Dong, Min Shi, Sijun Xu, Qilong Sun, Gangwei Pan, Lirong Yao, Chunhong Zhu: Surface construction of fluorinated TiO2
nanotube networks to develop uvioresistant superhydrophobic aramid fabric. RSC Advances, Vol. 10, pp. 22578-22585, 2020 Link
26. Sana Ullah, Azeem Ullah, Jaeyun Lee, Yeonsu Jeong, Motahira Hashmi, Chunhong Zhu, Kye II Joo, Hyung Joon Cha, Ick-Soo
Kim: Reusability Comparison of Melt-Blown vs. Nanofiber Face Mask Filters for Use in the Coronavirus Pandemic. ACS Applied
Nano Materials, Vol. 3, pp. 7231-7241, 2020 Link
25. Mingxu Wang, Qiang Gao, Jiefeng Gao, Chunhong Zhu, Kunlun Chen: Core-shell PEDOT: PSS/SA composite fibers via a single-
nozzle technique enables wearable sensor applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol. 8, pp. 4564-4571, 2020 Link
24. Qiang Gao, Mingxu Wang, Xinyuan Kang, Chunhong Zhu, Mingqiao Ge: Continuous wet-spinning of flexible and water-stable
conductive PEDOT: PSS/PVA composite fibers for wearable sensors. Composites Communications, Vol. 17, pp. 134-140, 2020
23. Chunhong Zhu*, Haruka Tada, Jian Shi, Jiawei Yan, Hideaki Morikawa: Water transport on interlaced yarns. Textile Research
Journal, Vol. 89, No. 23-24, pp. 5198-5208, 2019 Link
22. Myoung Ok Kim, Muhammad Qamar Khan, Azeem Ullah, Nam Phan Duy, Chunhong Zhu, Jung-Soon Lee, Ick Soo Kim:
Development of VOCs gas sensor with high sensitivity using colorimetric polymer nanofiber: a unique sensing method. Materials
Research Express, Vol. 6, pp. 105372, 2019 Link
21. Muhammad Qamar Khan, Davood Kharaghani, Nazish Nishat, Amir Shahzad, Tanveer Hussain, Zeeshan Khatri, Chunhong Zhu,
Ick Soo Kim: Preparation and characterizations of multifunctional PVA/ZnO nanofibers composite membranes for surgical gown
application. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 1328-1334, 2019 Link
20. Muhammad Qamar Khan, Davood Kharaghani, Sana Ullah, Muhammad Waqas, Abdul Malik Rehan Abbasi, Yusuke saito,
Chunhong Zhu, Ick Soo Kim. Self-Cleaning Properties of Electrospun PVA/TiO2 and PVA/ZnO Nanofibers Composites.
Nanomaterials, Vol. 8, pp. 644-654, 2018 Link
19. Chunhong Zhu*, Jian Shi, Kasumi Hayashi, Hideaki Morikawa, Akio Sakaguchi, Qingqing Ni. Effect of design parameters on the
cushioning property of cellular fabric composites. Textile Research Journal, Vol.8, pp. 3692-3699, 2019 Link
18. Muhammad Qamar Khan, Hoik Lee, Jun Mo Koo, Zeeshan Khatri, Jianhua Sui, Seung Soon Im, Chunhong Zhu*, Ick Soo Kim.
Self-cleaning effect of electrospun poly(1,4-cyclohexanedimethylene isosorbide terephthalate) nanofibers embedded with zinc
oxide nanoparticles. Textile Research Journal, Vol. 88, pp. 2493-2498, 2018 Link
17. Chunhong Zhu, Tomoki Nagaishi, Jian Shi, Hoik Lee, Pok Yin Wong, Jianhua Sui, Kenji Hyodo, Ick Soo Kim. Enhanced
Wettability and Thermal Stability of a Novel Polyethylene Terephthalate-Based Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) Nanofiber Hybrid
Membrane for the Separator of Lithium-Ion Batteries, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, VOl. 9, pp. 26400-26406, 2017 Link
16. Xiao Liao, Yi Li, ......, Chunhong Zhu, Quanhai Li, Xinxing Wu. Effects of contact method and acclimation on temperature and
humidity in touch perception, Textile Research Journal, Accepted, DOI: 10.1177/0040517517705628, 2017 Link
15. Chunhong Zhu*, Jian Shi*, Sijun Xu, Minori Ishimori, Jianhua Sui, Hideaki Morikawa. Design and characterization of self-
14. Hoik Lee, Abdul Wahab Jatoi, Yamaguchi Kyohei, Kyu-Oh Kim, Kyung Hus Song, Jungsoon Lee, Chunhong Zhu, Hisanaga
Tsuiki, Ick Soo Kim*. Deodorant activity of phthalocyanine complex nanofiberm, Textile Research Journal, Accepted, DOI:
10.1177/0040517516685280, 2017 Link
13. Sijun Xu, Feng Zhang, Lirong Yao, Chunhong Zhu, Hideaki Morikawa, Yuyue Chen. Eco-friendly fabrication of antibacterial
cotton fibers by the cooperative self-assembly of hyperbranched poly(amidoamine)- and Hyperbranched poly(amine-ester)-
functionalized silver nanoparticles, Cellulose, Vol. 24, pp. 1493-1509, 2017 Link
12. Sijun Xu, Jiangchao Song, Chunhong Zhu, Hideaki Morikawa. Graphene oxide-encapsulated Ag nanoparticle-coated silk fibers
with hierarchical coaxial cable structure fabricated by the molecule-directed self-assembly, Materials Letters, Vol. 188, pp. 215-
219, 2017 Link
11. Masayuki Takatera*, Tamotsu Arichi, Julie Peiffer, Chunhong Zhu, KyoungOk Kim. Continuous measurement of apparent
Poisson's ratio for yarn based on omni-directional diameters, Textile Research Journal, Vol. 87(6), pp/ 739-746, 2017 Link
10. Chunhong Zhu, Masayuki Takatera*, Effects of hydrophobic yarns on liquid migration in woven fabrics, Textile Research
Journal, Vol. 85(5), pp. 479-486, 2015 Link
9. Atsushi Kawamura, Chunhong Zhu, Julie Peiffer, KyoungOk Kim, Yi Li, Masayuki Takatera*, Relationship between the
Physical Properties and Hand of Jean Fabric, Autex Research Journal, Accepted on 2015.04.08 Link
8. KyoungOk Kim, Masayuki Takatera*, Chunhong Zhu, Tsuyoshi Otani, Comparison of Japanese and Chinese clothing
evaluations by experts taking into account marketability, Autex Research Journal, Vol. 15 (1), pp. 67-76, 2015 Link
7. Chunhong Zhu, Masayuki Takatera*, A new thermocouple technique for the precise measurement of in-plane capillary
water flow within fabrics, Textile Research Journal, Vol. 84 (5), pp. 513-526, 2014 Link
6. Chunhong Zhu, Masayuki Takatera*, Effect of fabric structure and yarn on capillary liquid flow within fabrics, Journal of
Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics, Vol. 6 (2), pp. 205-215, 2013
5. Chunhong Zhu, Masayuki Takatera*, Temperature changes of fabrics for the drop test with different volumes of water,
Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 339, pp. 691-694, 2013
4. Chunhong Zhu, Masayuki Takatera*, Change of temperature of cotton and polyester fabrics in wetting and drying process,
Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics, Vol. 5 (4), pp. 433-446, 2012
3. Guohe Wang*, Chunhong Zhu, Cuiying Xu, Development and performance study of microstrip patch textile antenna,
Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 175-176, pp. 450-453, 2011
2. 朱 春紅, 王 国和*, 微波传输用柔性带状线的研发初探(Preliminary study on development of the flexible strip line used in
microwave transmission), 丝绸(Silk Monthly), Vol. 6, pp. 20-21, 2009
1. 朱 春紅, 顧 平, 王 国和*, 三维机织T形结构件的设计方法(Design method for T-shaped structure of 3D woven fabrics),
丝绸(Silk Monthly), Vol. 4, pp. 8-9, 2009
*: corresponding author
4. JSPS KAKENHI No. 22K02136, 2022.04-2025.03
3. JSPS KAKENHI No. 19K1403200, 2019.04-2022.03
2. 助成金 ジャカード織機を用いた新規三次元中空構造織物のクッション材への開発, 2017.04-2018.03
1. JSPS KAKENHI No. 16K1625600, 2016.04-2019.03
3. 金 翼水、上村 直樹、王 せい雨、黄 博然、朱 春紅、兵頭 建二、セパレータ、セパレータの製造方法及びリチウムイオン電池、信州大学、特許第7298872号
2. 朱 春紅、吸収性物品、大王製紙株式会社、特許出願2015-190142
1. 朱 春紅、パンツタイプ使い捨ておむつ、大王製紙株式会社、特許出願2015-067325